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10Prep Time

Buttercream Icing Recipe

49 Reviews

How to make vanilla buttercream icing

Buttercream icing - also known as buttercream frosting - is the ideal way to turn a simple cake into something a little bit special, and this recipe takes just 5 minutes to make!

Deliciously smooth and creamy, this vanilla buttercream icing is perfect for fairy cakes, cupcakes and Victoria sponges. This recipe will create enough buttercream to cover an 8-inch circular cake.

Once you've mastered how to make buttercream, why not try salted chocolate buttercream or coffee buttercream?

10Prep Time


  1. Step 1:

    Bring your butter to room temperature so that it is softened, then using either a hand or electric mixer beat together the butter adding in the icing sugar gradually until fully incorporated.

  2. Step 2:

    Add in the vanilla and continue to beat until the buttercream is light and fluffy. This might take a few minutes, the longer that you beat your buttercream for the light in texture it will be. If your buttercream is quite stiff, add half a table spoon of milk and whisk until it loosens.

  3. Step 3:

    Once the buttercream is ready, fill a piping bag fitted with a nozzle with the buttercream to pipe decorations on your cupcakes or alternatively, use a pallet knife to smooth your buttercream inside or over your cake.


    • 100g Unsalted butter (softened)
    • 200g Silver Spoon Icing Sugar
    • 1 tsp Nielsen-Massey Vanilla Extract
    • 1 tbsp Whole milk


  • Electric mixer
  • Bowl
  • Piping bag

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