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Almond & Cherry Cupcakes

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Quick and easy
Total Time
Prep Time
Bake Time
Serves 24
Serves 24

About the bake

These delicate cupcakes contain almond syrup made with Nielsen-Massey almond extract to give them the quality nutty flavour.

17 ingredients7 steps
  • Vegetarian


  • For the Cupcakes

    • 200gUnsalted butter (softened) 
    • 100gBillington's Unrefined Golden Caster Sugar 
    • 75gBillington's Unrefined Light Muscovado Sugar 
    • 1 tspNielsen-massey almond extract 
    • 4Medium free range eggs (lightly beaten) 
    • 175gSelf raising white flour 
    • 50gGround Almonds 
    • 150gCherries (pitted & chopped) 
    • 3 tbspCherry juice 
  • For the Almond Syrup

    • 50gBillington's Unrefined Golden Caster Sugar 
    • 4 tbspWater 
    • 1 tspNielsen-massey almond extract 
  • For the Buttercream

    • 200gCream cheese 
    • 100gUnsalted butter (softened) 
    • 600gSilver Spoon Icing Sugar 
    • 1 tspNielsen-massey almond extract 
    • For sprinklingFlaked almonds 


  • 2x 12 hole cupcake tins
  • 24 cupcake cases
  • Electric mixer
  • Piping bag
  • Star nozzle
  • Saucepan


  1. Step 1

    Preheat the oven to 180°C, (fan 160°C, gas mark 4). Line 2 cupcake trays with cupcake cases.

  2. Step 2

    Using either an electric mixer or mixing bowl and whisk, beat the butter, sugars, cherry juice and almond extract together until pale and fluffy.

  3. Step 3

    Reduce the whisk speed and slowly add the eggs, along with a tablespoon of the flour to prevent it from curdling.

  4. Step 4

    Add the remaining flour, cherries and ground almonds. Using either a piping bag or ice-cream scoop, divide the batter between the cupcake cases and place in the oven for 20 minutes, or until lightly golden and firm to the touch.

  5. Step 5

    To make the syrup, place the golden caster sugar in a pan with the water. Simmer for a few minutes until dissolved, then take off the heat and set aside to cool. Once cool stir in the almond extract.

  6. Step 6

    Remove the cakes from the oven once cooked and leave to cool a little on a wire rack then add some sugar syrup to the top of each one.

  7. Step 7

    To ice, put the cream cheese, butter, almond extract and golden icing sugar in a mixing bowl and slowly mix together until light and fluffy. Place in a piping bag and ice accordingly. Sprinkle a few almonds on top.

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