Calling all cheese and bacon fans! This cheese and bacon bread is such a tasty treat. We are in love with this loaf recipe, and if you are too, make sure to leave a review!
If you enjoyed making this recipe, give our chunky walnut bread recipe a go.
8 ingredients13 steps
Egg-Free Recipes
For the Loaf
400gAllinson's strong wholemeal bread flour
100gAllinson's Strong White Bread Flour
7gAllinson's easy bake yeast or time saver yeast
30gUnsalted butter (softened)
300mlWarm water
4 rashersSmoked back bacon (rind removed)
150gVintage cheddar cheese (grated)
900g loaf tin (23 x13cm)
Step 1
Mix together the flours and salt in a large bowl. Rub in the butter until the mixture resembles fine breadcrumbs. Stir in the yeast.
Step 2
Add the water, a little at a time, until you’ve picked up all the flour from the sides of the bowl.
Step 3
You may not need to add all the water, or you may need to add a little more – you want dough that is soft, but not soggy. Use the mixture to clean the inside of the bowl and keep going until the mixture forms a rough dough.
Step 4
Tip the dough onto a lightly floured surface and begin to knead. Knead for about 10 minutes until you have a smooth and elastic dough. This could also be done using a dough hook of your free-standing mixer.
Step 5
When your dough feels smooth and silky, put it into a lightly oiled bowl. Cover with a tea towel and leave to rise until at least doubled in size – at least 1 hour, but it’s fine to leave it for 2 or even 3 hours.
Step 6
Heat the oil in a frying pan over a medium heat. Add the bacon and cook gently on both sides until tender. Remove and set aside to cool, then chop.
Step 7
Once the dough is risen, tip onto a lightly floured surface and knock back lightly, add the bacon and 100g cheese to it and knead in until well distributed.
Step 8
Shape the dough into an oval and ease into a lightly oiled 900g (23 x 13cm) loaf tin.
Step 9
Cover the dough again with oiled cling film or a damp tea cloth and leave to rise in a warm place for about 45 minutes - 1 hour or until the dough has doubled in size.
Step 10
Preheat your oven to 200°C, fan 180°C, gas mark 6.
Step 11
Once proved again, slash the loaf and sprinkle with the remaining cheese.
Step 12
Place in the centre of the pre-heated oven and bake for 30 - 35 minutes or until the bread is risen and golden brown and sounds hollow when tapped underneath.
Step 13
Turn the bread out onto a wire rack as soon as possible to avoid a soggy crust on the bottom.
7 Baker Ratings
Worked well, VERY cheesy, more to my hubby’s taste than mine. I usually bake white bread with just a good helping of cheese on top. I used my usual 2lb loaf tin, but I feel this might have been better baked in a round shape on a baking sheet.
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Not very successful. Made a very large loaf, which was cooked outside in 30-35 minutes, gas mark 6, but not done properly in the middle. I didn’t know how much longer to cook it, getting overdone on the outside.