Muffins are the perfect on the go snack, breakfast treat or simply yummy cake to enjoy with a cup of tea. We have taken one of the nations favourite bakes - the cherry bakewell and turned it into a delicious muffin.
13 ingredients6 steps
For the Muffins
150gGround Almonds
200gSelf Raising Flour
115gBillington's Unrefined Golden Caster Sugar
1 tspBaking powder
2Free range large eggs
1 tspNielsen-Massey Vanilla Extract
75mlSunflower oil
200gBillington's glacé cherries
150gMarzipan (grated)
For the Decoration
50gFlaked almonds
6Glacé cherries (halved)
75gSilver Spoon Icing sugar
12 hole muffin tin
12x Tulip muffin cases
Small knife
2x Mixing bowl
Wire cooling rack
Chopping board
Step 1
Preheat your oven to 190°c (170°c Fan, Gas Mark 5) and line a 12 hole muffin tin with tulip muffin cases.
Step 2
Place the ground almonds, golden caster sugar, flour and baking powder in a mixing bowl and stir until they are evenly incorporated.
Step 3
In a seperate bowl beat together the eggs, milk and vanilla extract then gradually pour this into the bowl with the dry ingredients. Beat the mixture together by hand using a whisk or wooden spoon until all of the ingredients have just blended together before adding the oil.
Step 4
Grate the marzipan into the mixture then wash, dry and chop the cherries into quarters before folding into the mix.
Step 5
Carefully fill each muffin case 2/3 full with mixture and then place on a middle shelf in the oven to bake for 20-25 minutes until golden and baked throughout.
Step 6
To decorate, mix together the icing sugar with a few drops of water to make a thick icing then gently flick your spoon forward and backwards over your muffin to create a drizzle effect. Sprinkle each muffin with a handful of flaked almonds and top with half a glace cherry.
12 Baker Ratings
These muffins are amazing! Lovely almond taste. They dint stay around long!
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Baked these muffins for my son and his family. The grandgirls said they were amazing and my son gave me a "Paul Hollywood" handshake