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Pancakes with Maple Syrup & Crispy Bacon

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1 Reviews

Total Time
Prep Time
Bake Time
Serves 3
Serves 3

About the bake

These delicious light fluffy pancakes served with crispy bacon and drizzled with maple syrup are a great breakfast treat or simply served for dinner as a savoury alternative to the traditional pancake enjoyed on Shrove Tuesday. Once you have mastered this recipe, breakfast will never be the same - you might also like to try making your own soft crumpets to smother with creamy butter.

10 ingredients4 steps


    • For the pancakes

      • 100gAllinson's Plain White Flour 
      • 2 tspBaking powder 
      • 0.5 tspBicarbonate of soda 
      • 1 tbspBillington's Unrefined Golden Caster Sugar 
      • 1pinchSalt 
      • 2Egg(s) (free range) (separated) 
      • 284mlButtermilk 
      • 25gButter (unsalted) (melted, plus extra) 
    • For the filling

      • Bacon rasher(s) (crispy) 
      • Maple sauce (to drizzle) 


    1. Step 1

      Sift the flour, baking powder, bicarbonate of soda, sugar and a pinch of salt into a large bowl.

    2. Step 2

      Whisk the egg whites until stiff. Mix together the egg yolks, buttermilk and melted butter and whisk into the flour mixture until the batter is thick and smooth. Using a large metal spoon carefully fold the egg whites into the batter until evenly mixed.

    3. Step 3

      Heat a large frying pan, preferably non-stick, and brush lightly with melted butter. Drop 2 or 3 large spoonfuls of batter into the pan to make pancakes about 10cm in diameter. When the bubbles appear, after about 3-4 minutes, carefully flip the pancakes over and cook on the other side until browned.

    4. Step 4

      Serve in stacks topped with crispy bacon and maple syrup.

    1 Baker Ratings

    Great pancakes.

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