This pastry is delicious and lower in calories than ordinary pastry made with all flour. This recipe features in The Hairy Dieters Go Veggie recipe book.
A title
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5 ingredients3 steps
Egg-Free Recipes
Nut Free
275gFloury potatoes (maris pipers or king edwards)
40gButter (chilled, diced)
80gAllinson's Plain White Flour
1 tbspSemi skimmed milk
Pinch ofSalt
Step 1
First make some mash. Peel the potatoes and cut them into chunks of about 3cm. Put them in a large saucepan, cover with cold water and bring to the boil. Cook for 10–15 minutes or until very tender. Drain the potatoes in a colander, tip them back into the saucepan and leave them to dry out for a while – the drier
they are the better. Mash until smooth – don’t add any butter or milk – and leave to cool.
Ingredients for this step
275gFloury potatoes (maris pipers or king edwards)
Step 2
To make the pastry, rub the butter into the flour in a bowl, then add 200g of cooled mash and a tablespoon of the milk. Season with a pinch of salt. Work everything together into a dough, handling it as lightly as possible. If it’s too dry, add a touch more milk, but only a teaspoon at a time.
Ingredients for this step
40gButter (chilled, diced)
1 tbspSemi skimmed milk
80gAllinson's Plain White Flour
Pinch ofSalt
Step 3
When you have a smooth dough, roll it into a ball, cover it with cling film and chill for at least half an hour before using.