Reindeer Orange Creams
About the Orange Creams
Get festive baking with our fun reindeer orange creams recipe by Juliet Sear. They're super easy to recreate in your kitchen, and a great recipe to try with kids this festive period.
To keep your orange creams neat, pouring the chocolate on each one rested on an upturned egg cup will allow the chocolate to flow off neatly. But don't worry if this is too fiddly, they can simply be drizzled on the tray.
If you enjoyed this tasty recipe, give our peppermint creams a try!
For the orange creams
- 1Egg white (free range, medium)
- 1 tbspOrange extract
- 350gSilver Spoon Icing Sugar
For the decoration
- 1 bagPretzels
- Milk chocolate melted with 1 tbsp sunflower or veg oil
- Smarties
- Edible sugar eyes
Step 1
Place the egg white and a few drops of orange extract in a medium bowl and beat well using a wooden spoon or spatula.
Step 2
Add the icing sugar gradually and stir well until the mixture begins to come together. Use your hand to bring the mixture together to form a soft dough. (you may need to use a little more icing sugar)
Step 3
Roll the mixture out with a rolling pin to approximately the thickness of two ¾ of a cm. Make sure you use plenty of icing sugar to stop it from sticking.
Step 4
Cut out 14-16 circles using a 5cm round cookie cutter.
Step 5
Leave to harden for approximately 1 hour.
Step 6
To decorate, firmly push in 2 pieces of broken pretzel one on each side to make antlers.
Step 7
Melt the chocolate and then place the orange creams one by one onto an upside down eggcup. Carefully spoon the chocolate onto the orange cream and then gently bang the egg cup onto the surface allowing the excess chocolate to cover the sides and then drip off.
Step 8
Using a pallet knife lift the orange cream onto a lined baking tray.
Step 9
Add a nose and eyes and then leave to set.