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Sticky yorkshire parkin

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3 Reviews

Total Time
Prep Time
Bake Time
1h 45m
Serves 18
Serves 18

About the bake

This classic dark brown ginger cake is made from oats. In the past, it was often served with a seasonal fruit compote. The proper stuff, like this, should be extra sticky.

9 ingredients3 steps


      • 450gPorridge oats 
      • 110gAllinson's Plain White Flour 
      • 225gBillington's Unrefined Golden Caster Sugar 
      • 1 tspGinger (ground) 
      • 1 tspBaking powder 
      • 110gUnsalted Butter (softened) 
      • 300gBlack treacle 
      • 250mlMilk (whole) 
      • 1Egg(s) (free range) 


    1. Step 1

      Preheat the oven to 150°C (130°C fan, gas mark 2). Grease and line a 25cm square tin.

    2. Step 2

      Mix all the dry ingredients together. Add the melted butter and treacle, then the milk and beaten egg. Stir well and pour into a lined tin.

    3. Step 3

      Bake for about 1 hour 45 minutes, or until you insert a skewer into the cake and it comes out clean.

    3 Baker Ratings

    This was easy to make I altered the recipe slightly and added 4 tablespoons of golden syrup I left it three days wrapped in grease proof paper it was wonderful sticky and delicious served with warm toffee sauce and ice cream

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    1 baker loved this!

    I made this exactly as the recipe. It wasn’t particularly sticky, but I admit we started eating it straight out of the oven. I’m sure if you followed directions as in the previous review it would become so. It was a very easy cake to make, and had a lovely flavour.

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