Bring the taste of NYC to your own kitchen with chewy, glossy sweet New York-style pretzels, with the help of Allinson's Dough.
Where are pretzels from?
Pretzels originated in Germany, however, Pennsylvania in the US is arguably the pretzel-making capital of the world. The soft pretzel grew popular in the US in the 19th century, due to an influx of German immigrants. This eventually led to the popularity of hard pretzels also becoming a popular snack in the US.
Why are pretzels shaped like they are?
Whether you call it a knot, bow, or loop, the pretzel shape is as unique as its delicious salty flavour and chewy texture. Pretzels now come in a variety of shapes, however, the traditional knot shape is said to have religious significance. Some say this shape symbolizes a child praying with their arms across their chest.
How do I get pretzel dough into the knot shape?
Firstly handroll the dough on a well-floured surface into a long thick strand. Once you're happy with the even thickness, form a U-shape with the dough, then twist the two ends around each other twice at the top.
Next, fold back the twisted section to the bottom of the U, then spread out the two ends so they're spaced out.
What toppings can I try with pretzels?
As well as being delicious on their own, another great thing about pretzels is how versatile they are. You can enjoy them with almost any sweet or savoury toppings. You can go traditionally German with mustard, or more American with melted chocolate or cinnamon. The saltiness of soft pretzels contrasts nicely with sweet toppings.
Bring the milk to the boil, then remove from the heat and add the diced butter. Leave to cool until it reaches hand temperature. Mix the flour, yeast, 75g sugar and salt in a big bowl. Mix the milk and the beaten egg into the dry ingredients with a wooden spoon.
Ingredients for this step
50gButter (unsalted, cold, diced)
500gAllinson's Strong white bread flour
7gAllinson's Easy Bake Yeast
75gBillington's Unrefined Golden Caster Sugar
1 1/2 tspSalt
1Egg(s) (free range) (medium, beaten)
Step 2
Tip onto a lightly flour dusted surface and knead for 10 minutes (or use the dough hook attachment on your mixer).
Step 3
Lightly grease the mixing bowl with some oil. Put the dough back in, cover the bowl with a clean tea towel and leave to rise until doubled in size – up to 2 hours depending on how warm your kitchen is.
Step 4
Knock back the dough by gently kneading just 5 times to get the air out. Cut the dough into 4 even pieces (use a weighing scales if you like). Roll each piece into a sausage about 60cm long where the ends are slightly thinner than the middle. Shape each rope into a ‘U’, then bring each end back towards the curve of the ‘U’ – sticking to their opposite sides so it creates a twist in the middle.
Step 5
Mix the bicarbonate of soda into a large saucepan of water and bring to the boil. One at a time sit a pretzel on two slotted spatulas and lower into the water for 20-30 seconds. Let the excess water drip off as you lift it out and place on baking parchment-lined baking sheets. Preheat your oven to 200°C (180°C fan, gas mark 6).
Ingredients for this step
2 tbspBicarbonate of soda
Step 6
Beat the remaining egg with a fork and use to brush the top of the pretzels. Sprinkle the tops with sesame seeds, preserving or pearl sugar and some sea salt flakes, and bake for 20 minutes until brown and shiny.
Ingredients for this step
1Egg(s) (free range) (medium)
2 tbspSesame seeds
2 tbspSilver Spoon Preserving Sugar
2 tspSea salt (flakes)
1 Baker Ratings
The recipe is great, apart from saying makes just 4 pretzels. Make 8 or 12 and they’ll work out fine. Laying them on parchment in the video when poaching is a great tip, shame doesn’t mention it in the text