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Sausage Rolls

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Quick and easy

1 Reviews

Total Time
Prep Time
Bake Time
Serves 8
Serves 8

About the bake

Home made sausage rolls are always popular. Choose the very best quality sausagemeat and add different herbs or spices for a really tasty snack.

7 ingredients6 steps


    • For the Sausage Rolls

      • 450gSausage meat 
      • PinchSalt 
      • PinchPepper 
      • PinchAllinson's Plain White Flour 
      • 450gPuff pastry 
      • 1Free range medium egg (beaten) 
    • For the Topping

      • PinchSesame seeds 


    • Rolling pin


    1. Step 1

      Heat the oven to 200°C (fan 180°C, gas mark 6). Grease a baking tray.

    2. Step 2

      Run the sausages under a cold tap then slit each one with a sharp knife and slip off the skins.

      Ingredients for this step

      • 450gSausage meat
    3. Step 3

      On a lightly floured surface, roll the puff pastry out into a large rectangle, then cut in to two long rectangles.

      If you want to make your own puff pastry, here's our easy puff pastry recipe. You can also watch this quick video which shows you how to make it.


      Ingredients for this step

      • 450gPuff pastry
    4. Step 4

      Place a row of skinned sausages  down the middle of each pastry rectangle, then brush each with beaten egg on one edge.

      Ingredients for this step

      • 1Free range medium egg (beaten)
    5. Step 5

      Fold the other side of the pastry over onto the egg-washed edge. Press down to seal and trim any excess. Cut each pastry roll into four sausage rolls.

    6. Step 6

      Place the sausage rolls on the baking tray and bake for 15 minutes then sprinkle with sesame seeds and bake for a further 5 minutes until crisp and golden and the sausage meat is cooked completely through.

    1 Baker Ratings

    Amazing, first time I made them and they were very good

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